Starting out, there is a lot ambiguity when labeling leads, accounts, opportunities, and contacts in Salesforce. We’re going to keep it simple.
Leads are people who have shown some level of interest in your product or service. Examples include signing up on the site, filling out a form, downloading a buyer’s guide, giving their information at a trade show booth, etc. Leads can remain a lead for 5 minutes or for 5 years. Every individual should be entered into the system as a lead. In a perfect world, your marketing automation client is syncing with SFDC.
Contacts are created as soon as a lead expresses interest in doing business. The lead is converted into a contact. Contacts are people who are attached to accounts (companies) and are considering going through a transaction.
Opportunities are transactions. When an opportunity is created (converted) it’s to signal the start of a sales cycle. There can be many opportunities in a company but a specific contact can only be attached to one account.
A lead and a contact are the only two objects in the system that describe a person. A lead cannot evolve in an opportunity.
Once the conversion from lead to contact has occurred the sales rep should interact mainly with the opportunity record. From there, let your sales process drive it to a close!
WideAngle is One on One meeting software used by companies including General Electric, IBM, AT&T, Google, and many more to make sure One on Ones happen, are productive, and documented.
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