- Since Apex is
case insensitive you can write it however you'd like. However, to increase
readability, follow Java capitalization standards and use two spaces
instead of tabs for indentation.
- Use Asychronous
Apex (@future annotation) for logic that does not need to be executed
- Asychronous Apex
should be "bulkified".
- Apex code must
provide proper exception handling.
- Prevent SOQL and
SOSL injection attacks by using static queries, binding variables or the
escapeSingleQuotes method.
- When querying
large data sets, use a SOQL "for" loop
- Use SOSL over
SOQL where possible - it's much faster.
- Use Apex Limits
Methods to avoid hitting governor exceptions.
queries inside loops
- No DML
statements inside loops
- No Async
(@future) methods inside loops
- Do not use
hardcoded IDs
- There should
only be one trigger for each object.
- Avoid complex
logic in triggers. To simplify testing and resuse, triggers should
delegate to Apex classes which contain the actual execution logic. See
Mike Leach's excellent trigger template for more
- Bulkify any
"helper" classes and/or methods.
- Trigers should
be "bulkified" and be able to process up to 200 records for each
- Execute DML
statements using collections instead of individual records per DML
- Use Collections
in SOQL "WHERE" clauses to retrieve all records back in single
- Use a consistent
naming convention including the object name (e.g., AccountTrigger)
- Do not hardcode
picklists in Visualforce pages; include them in the controller instead.
- Javascript and
CSS should be included as Static Resources allowing the browser to cache
- Reference CSS at
the top and JavaScript a the bottom of Visualforce pages as this provides
for faster page loads.
- Mark controller
variables as "transient" if they are not needed between server
calls. This will make your page load faster as it reduces the size of the
View State.
- Use
<apex:repeat> to iterate over large collections.
- Use the cache
attribute with the <apex:page> component to take advantage CDN
caching when appropriate
- Use a consistent
naming convention including "Test" and the name of the class
being tested (e.g., Test_AccountTrigger)
- Test classes
should use the @isTest annotation
- Test methods
should craete all data needed for the method and not rely on data
currently in the Org.
- Use
System.assert liberally to prove that code behaves as expected.
- Test each branch
of conditional logic
- Write test
methods that both pass and fail for certain conditions and test for
boundary conditions.
- Test triggers to
process 200 records - make sure your code is "bulkified" for 200
records and doesn't throw the dreaded "Too many SOQL queries:
21" exception.
- When testing for
governor limits, use Test.startTest and Test.stopTest and the Limit class
instead of hard-coding governor limits.
- Use
System.runAs() to execute code as a specific user to test for sharing
rules (but not CRUD or FLS permissions)
- Execute tests
with the Force.com IDE
and not the salesforce.com UI.
We've seen misleading code coverage results when running from the salesforce.com UI.
- Run the Force.com
Security Source Scanner to test your Org for a number of
security and code quality issues (e.g., Cross Site Scripting, Access
Control Issues, Frame Spoofing)
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